KAUFMANN Ulm Lichtwerbung GmbH
Max-Eyth-Strasse 38
89231 New Ulm, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 731/14 26-0
Fax: +49 (0) 731/14 26-20
Managing Director: Ulf Kaufmann
Court of registry: Amtsgericht Memmingen
Registration number: HRB 11988
VAT identification number in accordance with § 27a of the German Turnover Tax Law: DE 813 618 246
Responsible for contents according to § 5 TMG and § 55 paragraph 2 RStV: Ulf Kaufmann (address as above)
Note in accordance with § 36 of the German Consumers' Immigration Act (VSBG):
The EU Commission offers the possibility of online dispute settlement on an online platform operated by it. We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure and unfortunately can not offer participation in such a procedure.
Legal Notice
The information provided on this website is carefully checked by Kaufmann Ulm Lichtwerbung GmbH and regularly updated. Nevertheless, Kaufmann Ulm Lichtwerbung GmbH can not assume any liability or guarantee for the actuality, correctness and completeness of the provided information and software. The same also applies to the content of the websites referred to by hyperlinks. Kaufmann Ulm Lichtwerbung GmbH is not responsible for the content of the websites, which are reached due to such a connection. The duplication of information and data, in particular the use of texts and text parts requires the prior consent of Kaufmann Ulm Lichtwerbung GmbH.
Other images used on the website:
© everythingpossible / Fotolia, © / Fotolia, © nd3000 / Fotolia, © vgstudio / Fotolia, © Cello Armstrong / Fotolia
Rampant Pictures
Layout and conception
Buck et Baumgärtel UG
Technical realization